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Tetanus Assignment | Essay Help Services


Criteria 1 Description of the pathology 2 Normal anatomy of major body system affected 3 Normal physiology of body system affected 4 Mechanism of pathophysiology 5 Prevention 6 Treatment Students will be assigned individual topics related to physiology and pathological conditions of physiological systems. The student will be required to complete criteria 1-6 in a written paper. The paper will be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 pages long not including a title and reference pages. A minimum of three APA-style references must be included in the paper. There should be an APA-format references page at the end of the presentation. Additionally, in-text citations should be included when appropriate. Reputable resources include peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, interviews with clinicians who deal with these pathologies on a daily basis, personal experiences, class lectures, and other scientific sources. The student should use a font size of 12, Times New Roman, and double-spaced throughout. The paper should be written with the text aligned to the left margin with 1” margins. Students should review the information about plagiarism in the Student Catalog. Any copying of information from another source without giving proper credit through a citation will be met with severe consequences. In line with this, however, the entire presentation should not be directly copied from other sources. The student is expected to compose ideas in their own words, and only use text from other sources as a minor supplement. The assignment should be submitted through the Dropbox in Canvas on or before the assigned due date. Refer to the late policy for late submissions. Criteria Description of Pathology (10 points) CSLO 7 Student provides a comprehensive introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs. (Up to 10 points) Student provides a subpar introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs. (Up to 7 points) Student provides an inadequate introductory section. (Up to 3 points) Normal Anatomy of body system (15 points) CSLO 5 Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of normal anatomy of the body system throughout 100% of the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary consistently throughout the assignment. (Up to 15 points) Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal anatomy of the body system through at least 50% of the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary mostly throughout the assignment. (Up to 10 points) Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal anatomy of the body system through at least 25% of the project. Student did not accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary throughout the assignment. (Up to 5 points) Normal Physiology of body system (15 points) CSLO 5 Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of normal physiology of the body system throughout the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary consistently throughout the assignment. (Up to 15 points) Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal physiology of the body system through at least 50% of the project. Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary mostly throughout the assignment. (Up to 10 points) Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of the normal physiology of the body system through at least 25% of the project. Student did not accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary throughout the assignment. (Up to 5 points) Mechanism of Pathophysiology (20 points) CSLO 7 The student’s writing demonstrates a thorough understanding of the underlying anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. The overall paper shows a depth understudying of the disease consistent with collegiate level research on the topic. (Up to 20 points) The student’s writing demonstrates some understanding of the underlying anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. The overall paper shows some in depth understudying of the topic, but some information is missing. (Up to 12 points) The student’s writing demonstrates little understanding of the underlying anatomical and physiological changes contributing to the disease. The overall paper shows a shallow understudying of the topic. (Up to 7 points) Prevention (10 points) Student provides a comprehensive section outlining possible prevention protocols or clearly indicates if none is available for the condition based on current scientific literature. (Up to 10 points) Student provides a subpar section outlining possible prevention protocols or clearly indicates if none is available for the condition based on current scientific literature. (Up to 6 points) Student provides an inadequate section outlining possible prevention protocols or clearly indicates if none is available for the condition based on current scientific literature. (Up to 3 points) Treatment (10 points) Student provides a comprehensive section outlining possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature. (Up to 10 points) Student provides a subpar section outlining possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature. (Up to 6 points) Student provides an inadequate section outlining possible treatment protocols for the condition based on current scientific literature. (Up to 3 points) Paper Formatting & Overall Presentation (10 points) Overall presentation is 100% complete, follows APA formatting guidelines, demonstrates scholarly achievement and utilizes appropriate grammar and sentence structure throughout. (Up to 10 points) Overall presentation is mostly complete, APA formatting guidelines are mostly followed, demonstrates scholarly achievement, and utilizes appropriate grammar and sentence structure throughout the majority of the paper. (Up to 7 points) Overall presentation is two or more of the following: Incomplete, APA formatting not followed, does not demonstrates scholarly achievement, significant issues with appropriate grammar and sentence structure. (Up to 4 points) References & In-text Citations (10 points) At least 3 sources have been referenced, references are from reputable sources, and proper APA format was used, both for in text citation and for the reference section, with no inaccuracies in APA formatting. (Up to 10 points) At least 2 sources have been referenced, most references are from reputable sources, and proper APA format was used, both for in text citation and for the reference section, with minor inaccuracies in APA formatting. (Up to 7 points) Insufficient sources were referenced, or sources were from biased sources, with many errors in APA style and formatting. (Up to 4 points)


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