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Creating Map of the World Assignment | Online Assignment

Creating Maps – Part 1: The World

In this assignment, you will create a world map.

First, you will begin by creating a world map. You may choose to create a globe or a flat map. (Suggested directions for globe follow.) If you choose to create a flat map, you will need to decide on the projection you wish to use. Remember, the more detail and definition, the more comprehensive your map will be. At the minimum, the following items must be included and labeled on your world map:

Prime Meridian
Lines of Latitude
Lines of Longitude
Major landforms and bodies of water on continents
Time Zones
Directional flow of major currents and the jet stream
Relative location of your home

Here are suggested directions for creating a globe.

Supplies needed:

A round balloon
Lots of newspaper
Flour and water glue (instructions below)
A container for mixing the glue (old plastic containers work well)
A spoon or stick to stir the glue

1. Make a simple, thin glue from flour and water. Mix 1 cup of flour into 1 cup of water until the mixture is thin and runny. Stir into 4 cups of boiling water (the heating gives the glue a nice consistency, but is not necessary). Simmer for about 3 minutes, then cool.

2. Tear a lot of strips of newspaper. Strips should be about 1 inch wide; the length doesn’t really matter.

3. Blow up and tie a round balloon.
4. Papier-Mâché: Dip each strip of paper in the flour glue, wipe off excess, and wrap the strip around the balloon. Have at least three layers surrounding the balloon. Let it dry (at least overnight) after each layer.

Let the globe dry completely (it may take a few days). When the papier-mâché is dry, the balloon usually pops by itself, and separates from the outer papier-mâché skin.

5. When the globe has dried, paint and label according to assignment requirements.

Submit your assignment when you are finished.

You are near completion of this lesson!

If you are unsure of any of the following topics you have studied throughout this lesson, please take time to review them and/or ask your teacher for additional explanations prior to taking your quiz. You should now be able to:

1. Identify basic geographic and navigational tools.

Reflect on what you have learned:

What tools do we have today that were not available to early explorers?
Are some of today’s tools the same?
Which ones?
2. Construct a world map with properly labeled coordinate systems, continents,
bodies of water, rotation identification based upon currents (wind and water),
and relative location.

Your world map/globe demonstrates all of the components of this objective.
3. Construct a local map to scale demonstrating coordinate systems, cardinal
directions, scale, legend use and identification of landmarks and structures,
and absolute location.

Your local map demonstrates all of the components of this objective


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