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Life Sciences Assignment | Get Homework Help

Watch the departmental seminar by Pr. Gross. Type or write a report on his investigation.

Every research project of Pr. Grosses’ should be explained to some extent but you may develop some more than others.

This assignment is designed to practice extracting the essential information and explaining it clearly. For each project, ask yourself: what for ? How ? What was expected ? What results have been yielded ? What are the consequences, conclusions ? What next ?

The focus is scientific: keep other details, such as people, partners, business, locations, budgets, timelines, to the minimum, inasmuch as they have relevance. For example, if the name or location of a body of water or a lab is mentioned but its characteristics are irrelevant to the scientific endeavour, it is not worth noting.

Format: Microsoft Word. No pdf.

Length: between 1000 and 2000 words

Aproximative grading rubric:

– clarity, organisation: 8 points

– understanding of the subject: 8 pts

– subject coverage: 4 pts

– conciseness: 3 pts

– language: 7 pts

– penalty for late submission:

within a day of due time: no penalty
after that: – 5 % per additional day. Thus, 21 days of lateness mean 0.

Seminar recording

Three ways to watch:

Download file: Gross bio seminar 200914 Aquaculture.mp4
Watch on Youtube:
https://youtu.be/tALcWSQUCZI (Links to an external site.)

Watch the Zoom recording (higher quality but unedited banter at beginning and end): https://sdsu.zoom.us/rec/share/F7DIrOeYtSY9swMz_6pR4yGXX_PsWqa6JbH3BEEjt-5TseUCdRTskRZZEK2V3vRp._mOepmTLX310vwwe


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