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Declaration of Independence Assignment | Get Paper Help

Declaration of Independence – Read the Declaration of Independence and answer the following questions:

  1. Identify the specific phrases and/or words in the first three paragraphs that are most significant to you and explain in your own words why this language was important to the colonists as well as to America today.
  2. The remainder of the Declaration is a list of grievances the colonists had with the King of England. Read over these criticisms and identify, which if any would have motivated you toward Independence?
  3. What was the purpose in writing the Declaration of Independence? What is the value of the Declaration of Independence today?

In order to receive credit, you are required to:

  • Submit a discussion thread divided into paragraphs following the aforementioned questions/topics.
    • Penalties for not following this requirement will range from 5 to 10 points.
  • Provide comprehensive responses by using the textbook as the primary source of information.
    • Penalties for not using the textbook as the primary source of information will range from 5 to 20 points.
  • Submit your main response in at least 250 words.


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