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Crime scene Assignment | Custom Essay Help

You have responded to a crime scene at a local high school. Apparently a bomb has been detonated in the student parking lot. Two vehicles have been destroyed and burned as a result of the explosion from the bomb. As the vehicles burned, they exploded in two separate explosions, sending debris into an adjacent four-acre field utilized for football practice. You have called the local AFT office, and you were advised that there were no agents available to respond to your situation, as they are all busy fighting terrorism; you must work the crime scene on your own. You have decided to set up a search of both the parking lot, which is littered with debris, and the four-acre field. Your goal is to find fragments or remains of the original bomb. The lead investigator who is assigned to the case wants you to advise him of how you will handle the search in order to maximize the results.

What instructions and search patterns will you advise the searchers to utilize for a thorough search of the entire crime scene?

The description of each basic pattern for searching a crime scenes shows the best method a crime scene investigator should use based on the type of crime scene it is. In this case there are essentially two different crime scenes and different methods should be used for each scene to gather evidence. The initial crime scene is the school parking lot and the second crime scene is that of the four-acre field where the debris from the explosion settled.


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