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Stage play script Essay | Online Homework Help


Write a stage play script (see the link below for how to write a stage play script) involving 8 characters – 1 from each of the religions we’ve studied – having a friendly but serious conversation about this topic

There are many bad things happening in our world – natural disasters, war, crime, drug addiction, poverty, disease, etc. Why? Drawing on their various religious perspectives, have your characters explain why they think there is so much awfulness in the world. And, in turn, have your characters explain what they think can/should be done about it. That is, have them explain what they think people should do and how people should live in order to make the world a better place.

Be sure to have the characters talking to each other in dialogue and not just giving 8 separate monologue speeches.

Follow proper stage play script format (see below). Be sure to introduce your characters to the audience by providing the characters’ names and religions (NOTE: the names should be geographically appropriate: the Hindu person should have an Indian name; the Confucian person should have a Chinese name, etc.), provide a setting/scene for the dialogue, and clearly identify who is talking in each scene.

Here is a guide on how to write and format a stage play script:

How to Write a Stage Play Script

There is no page minimum or maximum for this assignment. Please double-space the script, use 12-point, and include a bibliography page with works cited (put it at the very end of the document).


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