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Government Essay | Online Homework Help

Written Paper Directions:
The first part of the assignment is to write an original case study on local economic development and discuss the role government played in the case.
You must identify a case on a local economic development project in San Bernardino or Riverside County or in general, California as reported in newspapers, such as The Los Angeles Times, The Press-Enterprise, and The San Bernardino Sun, or from other media of your choice (i.e. MSN, CNN, FOX NEWS, etc.).
Read and use the Case below:
Your case study should be approximately 750~1000 words long.
Please note visual aids are part of the potential points for the assignment.
In your case study, you should briefly describe the following:
Introduction to the Economic Development Case
Identify the role government played
The economic impact to the community
You need to cite 3 sources in APA style.
Give 2 in-text citations from the given Case.
Find another 2 creditable sources by yourself.
I also uploaded an APA_Requirement.pdf and you must refer to it and write 100% correct in-text citations and “References” Page. Failure to use correct citations will fail me in the essay since my professor was extremely picky. After receiving your paper, I will check every in-text citations and make sure they are 100% correct. If you do not use correct citations, I may request a full refund. I don’t hope this to happen so please be responsible.
Remember, a low-quality source, or insufficient information from your sources, will affect the quality of your grade for this assignment. YOU MUST PROVIDE LINKS FOR THE ARTICLES YOU USE.


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