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How character, integrity, and conscience is defined

How character, integrity, and conscience is defined 1 How would you define character, integrity, and
conscience? Look up the definitions and apply the meaning or characteristic of
each as it pertains to you Do not cut and paste your answers


2 Look up the general terms of “Ethics” and
“Workplace Ethics” As you read through them, explain in your own
words, what this means to you Have you or someone else you know ever been put
in a position to make an unethical decision?


3 List three (3) behaviors that you consider to be
unethical and why


4 What are your thoughts about leaders and managers having
the responsibility to guide you and others in an environment that would support
and encourage all to practice good and acceptable work ethics?


5 How would you address a conflict situation concerning a
co-worker, a supervisor or a family member and explain what value you place on
the outcome and is it worth it to you to deteriorate or even sacrifice a long
established relationship for the sake of that outcome?


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