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To what extent do you think that the government, at any level, has the right to legislate good health?

1. If you were asked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to come up with a new measure to describe the health status of an individual, what would you include in such a measure and why?

2. If you have not already done so, locate and read a copy of the government document Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. It provides a good background on the health promotion era in the United States.

To what extent do you think that the government, at any level, has the right to legislate good health? For example, do you think a governmental body has the responsibility (or right) to require all motorcycle drivers to wear helmets because statistics show that wearing helmets can save lives? Defend your answer.

If you had the opportunity to develop three new health education/promotion programs, one at each level of the three levels of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) for the community in which you live, what would they be? Who would be the priority population? Why did you pick the three that you did?


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