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Research and Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Research and Evidence-Based Nursing Practice


Format: APA

Number of sources: 3

Number of pages: 2

Spacing: double spaced

Topic: Rates of hand washing by CNAs on the unit. Rate of self-turning by patients on the unit (how many times per hour are patients turning themselves)

Details: Discussion Forum 1
In research, regardless of how significant or researchable a question may be, pragmatic considerations such as time, availability of subjects, facilities, equipment, and money, experience of the researcher, and any ethical considerations may cause the researcher to decide that the question is inappropriate because it lacks feasibility.

Through your clinical rotation you have been able to observe current interventions or procedures that differ from what you have read in your textbooks or are being taught in this program. This is the ever present dilemma of the time that it takes to translating research into practice. Likely you have developed clinical questions regarding the effectiveness or usefulness of certain interventions/ treatments to another or the gold standard.

Think of a time during your most recent clinical and consider the feasibility of researching the topics. Respond on both,

Rates of hand washing by CNAs on the unit
Rate of self-turning by patients on the unit (how many times per hour are patients turning themselves)
1. Give examples of instances where these were used in the hospital.

2. Search the literature and discuss how these should be done (support with a reference) . Are they consistent with what is done in the clinical area?

3. Based on your knowledge gained in class about feasibility, discuss the pros and cons of conducting a study on both hand hygine and patient self-turning on the units. (support with evidence-based literature/Reference)

4. Which of the two do you believe will be more feasible research to conduct on that unit? (support with evidence-based literature/reference)

(This is a discussion with no Running Heading, please.)


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