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What is the optimal strategy if you apply Laplace criterion?

Consider the following problem and answer question 2.1-2.4 based on information given bellow.
Problem: The management of XYZ company is considering the use of newly discovered chemical which, when added to detergents, well make the washing stet, thus eliminating the necessary of adding softeners. The management is considering these three alternatives strategies.
S1=Add the new chemical to the currently marketed detergent DETER and sell it under label ”NEW IMPROVED DETER’
S2 = Introduce a brand new detergent under the name of ‘SUPER SOFT ‘
S3 = Develop a new product and enter the softener market under the name ‘EXTERA WH.”
The management has decided for the time Bing that only one of the three strategies is economically feasible under given market condition. The marketing research department is requested to develop a conditional pay off matrix for this problem. After conducting sufficient research, based on personal interviews and anticipating the possible reaction of the competition, the marketing research department submits the payoff matrix given below.
States of nature
Alternative strategies S1 S2 S3
A1 47 49 33
A2 32 25 41
A3 51 30 14
1.1 What is the optimal strategy if you apply the criterion of pessimism? Consider the payoffs table is in both profit and cost.
1.2 What is optimal strategy if you apply the criterion of optimism? Consider the payoffs table is in both profit and cost?
1.3. What is the optimal strategy if you apply Laplace criterion?
1.4. What is the optimal strategy if you apply minimax regret criterion?


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