The Director
Jose has a B.S. Degree in Education where he majored in Education. He is working on his Master’s Degree in Administration in Education by attending nights at a four-year university. He worked full time while he attended school during his B.S. After he graduated he taught primary grades for six years. He accepted the position of Director of CDC in the same school district. He changed his position for his career and family. He is married with two young children under the ages of 5. He is 40 years old. He feels confident serving as a director for the past five years. He is not afraid to deal with conflicts.
The Supervisees
Keri is 22 years old and had her B.S. Degree in Child Development. She attended the same school that she is now teaching at and lives in the same house with her mother and father. The job gives keri a sense of power and prestige in her community and school. She is very appreciative of her position at her alma mater. But most of all she is very grateful to be a teacher, which she always knew in her heart that was what she wanted to be when she grew up, since the age of 14. Both her mother and father worked two jobs to send her to college. Ker loves children and teaching. She can be a very good abstract thinker.
Tahia is 40 years old and has her B.S, Degree in ECE. She has been teaching in the CDC for the past 10 years. Prior to this, she taught at several preschools and kindergartners. She plans on retiring from the CDC. She likes the district she works in and has ten-year security invested. Tajia enjoys teaching preschool children. She understands the curriculum and district expectations. She needs to understand boundaries. When she does not, it is upsetting for her.
Sernia is 50 years old and has been teaching in the district for the past 30 years. She has ten-years of security invested and has been at the CDC for the past 20 years. She has seen employment changes in directors, teachers, and principals. She is well respected by the community and district,like a matriarch figure. Serinia’s teaching has basically stayed the same. She was successful 30 years ago. Her attitude is that “if it worked then so it will work now!” The only thing that has changed is her energy level. Physically she does not move as quickly as she use to. This has not affected her teaching or controlling of the children. She is looking forward to her retirement, whenever it is. She has not started to count down her years. When there appears to be too little organization and inconsistency in routines, Sernia has begun to feel stressed.
The Context
Located in a predominately 50% Hispanic and 50% Asian and Black American neighborhood. Most of the multicultural children come from working nuclear and extended families. The CDC has three classrooms of 4 and PreK. Each teacher has an aide and volunteer aide (ROP & college practicum students) from the community. Jose established a nondirective/informal approach to supervision. Because he is process oriented, Jose has difficulty with handling pressure when he feels cornered. He has worked very hard with his staff to be a team and solve problems together.
The Problem
Jose just came back from a meeting with the superintendent where he outlined a very large and complex problem. The board was to develop grade level promotion standards and pilot test them in his school next year. He feels that his staff is knowledgeable and experienced to handle the problem. In addition, Jose hs gotten his staff to be quite open in expressing their feelings and opinions. The superintendent has indicated to Jose that he is anxious for him and his staff to take on the task because he feels that it would be helpful for his career in the district. Jose’s only real difficulty with this is that the time deadline for your decision is quite close. The superintendent expects Jose to make the decision but he thinks the support of his staff will be helpful. The superintendent wants his decision by the beginning of next week.
ASSESSING THE SUPERVISEES – 1. Assess each supervisee using Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development.
ASSESSING THE SUPERVISOR – 2. Describe the leadership phase and style needed to solve the problem
THE SUPERVISOR PLAN – 3. How would you handle the problem? and 2. Describe the leadership style that is needed to handle the situation.