You are asked to help put together a training program describing the effects of exchange rates to training participants at Axetem. Your training material is to address the following:
Explain the Fisher effect and its mechanics by walking the trainees through a step-by-step explanation in the following hypothetical situation:
1–2 pages (400 word min.)
Analyze the risk and return of management decisions for the multinational firm.
Explain how variations in exchange rates and the cost of money influence financial management decisions.
Axetem International, Inc. is a successful, Washington-based, public company and a manufacturer of various high-quality running and cross-training athletic shoes.
In addition to its national wholesale operation, Axetem, Inc. also maintains several satellite wholesale branch offices outside of the United States. These include office locations in Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and a currently nonoperational office in the Middle East.
Assume that you are a foreign business operations analyst for Axetem, Inc. Your job responsibilities include not only various business analyses but also the task of cross-training various employees in matters relating to Axetem’s foreign operations.