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Relate how liberalism has affected the politics.

You will write a diary entry as though you had actually lived through the events you are studying. Although you will invent a fictional Mexican persona and life for yourself, you must accurately incorporate the historical information requested in the assignment. Personalizing the information helps you understand and remember it better

Select a Mexican city, town, village, or rancho.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word diary entry that describes what is going on in and around your city, town, village, or rancho sometime between the years 1820 and 1824. Include the following:

• Introduce your entry by identifying the factions that led to the Mexican War for Independence and their actions in your area.

• Describe the effects of the Mexican War for Independence on you and your area.

• Relate how liberalism has affected the politics,

philosophy, and religion of your city, town, village, or

• Discuss at least two of the upheavals going on around you now, including the factors that caused them and their effects on your life.

• Describe the ideas and events that seem to be leading to a Mexican constitution


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