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Examine what happens when an organization does not adapt to change.

  • Topic: sustainability and ownership of change – see below instructions
  • Style: APA
  • Number of pages: 2 pages/double spaced (550 words)
  • PowerPoint slides: 0
  • Number of source/references: 3
  • Extra features: –
Order instructions:

Part 1: Unsuccessful Change

Examine what happens when an organization does not adapt to change. Provide examples of organizations that failed to change. Based on the research you’ve completed, identify specific reasons you believe their change efforts failed.

Part 2: Successful Change

Examine successful organizations that have embraced change.

Take a moment to note how you (or the organization) measured “success” in this case.
How has this change been sustained?
How do you imagine various stakeholders in the organization participated in this work (employees, leaders, volunteers, clients/customers)?
Did these successful examples build in sustainability, and if so, how did the successful organizations build in sustainability and ensure the continuity of this positive change in the organization?


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