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Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse.

Week 2 Assignment

Your written assignment will be to construct a research proposal relevant to human services policy. There are a list of topics to choose from, but be sure to choose something you not only feel passionate about (think advocacy) but one you believe has issues you can clearly articulate and explain why it’s important to individuals you may serve. This will be the topic for your final research project due in Week 6.

Research Paper Proposal

Based on your career interests, choose a topic relevant to human service policy from the list of topics found under the instructions for the Final Paper (Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse, Mental Health Policy, Prison Diversion, or Prescription Privileges for Psychologists). The topic you choose for this assignment will be the topic you use for your 12-15 page Research Project which is due in Week 6.

For this week’s assignment, write a 700-1,050 word (2-3 page) paper, citing a minimum of two peer reviewed sources, which achieves the following:

Here is the topic I chose for my final paper:Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse

Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse: Laws requiring the mandated reporting of child abuse have been enacted in every state in the United States. Mandated reporting laws cross disciplines (counseling, psychology, medicine, nursing, education, etc.). Some professionals have criticized these laws on the basis of interfering with their professional relationship with children.

  1. Summarize your chosen topic/policy issue(s).
  2. Define the issue(s) clearly and specifically.
  3. Describe what you already know about the issue(s).
  4. Explain why and to whom the topic is important.
  5. Scholarly sources

APA 6th edition format is required for this assignment.


Required Text

Herzberg, J. T. (2015). Foundations in human services practice: A generalist perspective on individual, agency, and community. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
Chapter 4: Nonprofit Structure and Function
Chapter 6: Fundraising in Human Services

Karger, H. J. &Stoesz , D. (2018). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
Chapter 10: Social Insurance Programs
Chapter 11: Public Assistance Programs

Recommended References

Falk, G., (2017, November 29). The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant: A Legislative History (Links to an external site.). Congressional Research Service. Retrieved from https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44668.pdf



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