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Explain how the revised expected future exchange rate influences the demand for Canadian dollars

Yesterday, the current exchange rate was $  U.S. per Canadian dollar and traders expected the exchange rate to remain unchanged for the next month. Today, with new information, traders now expect the exchange rate next month to fall to $(VALUE) U.S. per Canadian dollar. Explain how the revised expected future exchange rate influences the demand for Canadian dollars, or the supply of Canadian dollars, or both in the foreign exchange market.

Define each of the following theories in a sentence or Simple Equation:A. Interest Rate Parity theoryB. Expectations theory of forward ratesC. Law of one priceD. International Fisher Effect (Relationship between interest rates in the different countries).

Which two core hedge fund activities can either create incremental risk or act as a risk mitigator?

Discuss how an individual’s investment strategy may change as he or she goes through the accumulation, consolidation, spending, and gifting phases of life.


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