Question A1
You want to form positive attitudes towards reducing consumers footprint on the environment through encouraging less use of plastics, and plastic products and encouraging the use of non-plastic bags when purchasing at supermarkets and stores.
- Which attitude component would you target and why? (4 marks)
- What type of appeal would you use, and why? (2 marks)
- Do you think social media is suited to attitudinal change in this case? Why or why not? (4 marks)
Question A2 (10 marks)
- What is the main determinant of the type of learning approach used, and why? (2 mark)
- For each of the following products, which learning theory would you use to ensure the consumer learns a favourable positioning for the product, and why? (8 marks)
- Chanel perfume
- iPhone
- Harley Davidson motorcycles
- Cadbury chocolate
Question A3 (10 marks)
What impact has technology had on consumer behaviour and the decision making process? Discuss and demonstrate your understanding by applying your knowledge of concepts from consumer behaviour.
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