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What was the ethical issue you experienced?

Workplace Ethics: On nepotism

Write an essay

1 What was the ethical issue you experienced?

2 Who was involved? (Please use only first names or initials for the participants)

3 What was the relationship of the other individual(s) to you?

Analyze the ethical dilemma:

1 Was there a difference in power and authority?

2 What were the ethics in question?

3 What personal values were in conflict?

4 What were the potential outcomes?

5 What were the potential consequences to you and the other parties involved?

Evaluate the outcome

1 What was the outcome at the time?

2 What were the consequences to you and the other parties involved?

3 Based on what you have learned since you began your program and through your continuing work experience, would you handle the situation differently or in the same way? Explain


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