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Explain whether management is Art or Science .

As the HR professional, can you come up with the strategies to use to establish a team-oriented and inclusive workforce
As the HR professional, can you come up with the strategies to use to establish a team-oriented and inclusive workforce and organizational culture that raises creativity and productivity? -What are the factors that ischanging employment regulations and policies that impact global organizations? -Can you suggest specific tools or tests that human resource professionals can utilize that will assess the health of the organization or highlight potential negative issues within an organization? -How can Human resources cam proactively address a situation before it affects the team-oriented culture of the organization, which can then affects organizational productivity? -Can you recommend some more specific strategies that human resource professionals can enact to put together a more team-oriented, collaborative, and inclusive culture in the organization? -Can you support your claim using a at least three peer-reviewed resources?
1. Assume a certain Organization is embracing an important Change in the organization. Therefore, assume you are a manager in
1. Assume a certain Organization is embracing an important Change in the organization. Therefore, assume you are a manager in that particular organization and face a serious change resistance from employees of the organization. Hence briefly explain why people resist your organizational change and what different strategies or methods you will apply to overcome the change 2. There is still a controversy about whether management is an Art or A science. Therefore, briefly elucidate he art and the science part of Management and explain your own stand about whether management is Art or Science 3. critically explain the relevance of studying Management Theory and practice for MBA students to their future career (minimum three pages)


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