- Computer literacy and information literacy
- Using information systems and information technologies / management information systems
- Data warehouses
- Personal, legal, ethical, and organizational issues of information systems
- Protecting information resources
- risks associated with information technologies
- computer and network security
- security threats / measures & enforcement / comprehensive security guidelines
- Mobile and wireless networks / security
- Convergence of voice, video, and data
- New trends: the Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 eras
- e-Commerce / B2B e-Commerce / mobile and voice-based e-Commerce
- Global information systems
- Building successful information systems
- Enterprise systems
- Management support systems
- Intelligent information systems
- Emerging trends, technologies, and applications
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
- Present an overview of the origin and history of the concept that you have chosen.
- Describe one (1) current use of the concept that you have chosen. Include at least two (2) examples of such use in individuals, organizations, and / or governments to support your response.
- Discuss common attitudes toward the concept. Next, discuss your own attitudes toward the concept in question. Justify your response.
- Explain the fundamental strengths and weaknesses–or the advantages and disadvantages–of the concept that you have chosen. Justify your response.
- Describe the prevailing view that experts hold about the likely future of the concept in question. Include the views of at least three (3) experts to support your response.
- Use at least six (6) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
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