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How will this partnership strengthen the infrastructure of health information systems and technology?

Topic: Data Stewardship Standards and Guidelines

Paper details:

Create a plan to enforce data stewardship standards across the clinical and public health sectors as a result of AHIMA/PHDSC merger. In a 1,000-1,250-word plan, elaborate on the following points: 1. Overarching goal for the alignment of both clinical and public data standards. 2. Differences between clinical and public health data use and how this partnership will minimize those disparities. 3. Similarities between clinical and public health data use and how this partnership will capitalize on those parallels. 4. Your proposal for new data stewardship standards and guidelines. 5. Action plan: What will be the first steps in standardizing these data stewardship guidelines and how do you plan to go about managing this process? How do you intend to ensure and maintain consistency in data stewardship standards across the clinical and public health sectors? Who will have access to what data? How will data be collected and stored? How will confidentiality be maintained throughout this process? 6. How will this collaboration affect patients, health care practitioners, and both public and private health care organizations? 7. How will this partnership strengthen the infrastructure of health information systems and technology? *****Use at least two scholarly references. ******Write assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. ***** Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. A goal for the alignment of both clinical and public data standards is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support. The differences between clinical and public health data use are thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support. The similarities between clinical and public health data use are thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support. A proposal for new data stewardship standards and guidelines under the merger is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support. An action plan, including steps for standardization and process management, measures to maintain consistency, privacy parameters, and plans for data collection and storage, is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support. The effects of the collaboration on patients, practitioners, and public and private health care organizations are thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support. An explanation of how this partnership will strengthen the infrastructure of health IS/IT is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.


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