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Sociology of Food

FOOD AND SOCIOLOGY:Has Technology Changed The Way We Eat?


Food is part of human life and we must eat to live. At the same time, technology is a factor that is fast rising and affecting every industry including food. Food and technology must relate in the modern world. Having put that across, there is a need to research whether technology has changed the way people eat. The reason for this study is to investigate how people have changed their eating habits due to technology. Also, it is essential to know the impact technology has brought on people’s lives and the pros and cons of this impact. For this study, surveys and questionnaires were used to collect the data I needed. After compiling and analyzing the results, a large number of participants agreed that indeed technology has changed what we eat. These findings help us understand the role that technology has played when it comes to our feeding habits and how we can change or improve the situation.

My contribution to this study is to help people understand that technology has helped people eat healthy foods and it is an important aspect in ensuring they maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, people should be careful not to let technology take over their cultural beliefs about food but rather use it to better their lives. These findings can be used by other researchers when carrying out their research about food and how it relates to technology. Also, further studies can be conducted based on what the results for this study were. Ensuring a continuity of these findings could go a long way in helping people maintain healthy eating standards even with the ever growing technology.


Keywords: Food, Technology, Surveys, Questionnaires, Health, Feeding habits.



Annotated Bibliography

Berger, P. L., Berger, P. L., &Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge.

  • The article expounds on the systematic and theoretical treatise in the sociology of knowledge.
  • Reality is socially constructed, where sociology and knowledge need to analyze the process in which also occurs.
  • The key terms that are used in his research study are reality and knowledge. This is since they greatly reflect on philosophical inquiry and help answer the questions related to the study topic.
  • The main argument in the study is between the society as objectives reality and the society as the subject reality.
  • Objective reality involves the basic understanding of the problems of the sociology of knowledge.
  • Subjective reality involves understanding the level of personal consciousness, hence building a bridge to the challenges faced in social psychology.
  • There is a need to explain the sociology of knowledge and its difference with what has been generally understood by this discipline.

D’Amour, S., & Harris, L. R. (2019). The representation of body size: variations with viewpoint and sex. Frontiers in psychology10, 2805.

  • The perceived body size is a critical construct that reflects on people’s knowledge of self.
  • Perception of the body size is critical for all aspects of perception since the way people perceive their body and how the body is presented in the brain is not yet fully comprehended.
  • The article helps in analyzing the topic of study, where according to the authors, there is a need for objective methods that can help in the study of body perception.
  • This can get attained through assessing the precision of full-body size discernment by the issue of a novel psychophysical method.
  • According to the study, this method of study has well analyzed the participants’ evaluation, where their life-size images were tested as seen from differing viewpoints, where there is an expectation of more significant distortions.
  • Overall, the study provides an in-depth insight into the brain’s role in constructing its representation of three-dimensional body shape.

Latour, B. (2014). Give me a laboratory, and I will raise the world (pp. 141-70). Paris.

  • The study greatly expounds on the role of scientists in the laboratories
  • There is, however, a new problem that needs to be addressed, which is the issue of following up on the participants’ observations.
  • The author suggests that by failing to analyze the risk thoroughly, then there is a probability of falling back into social internalist visions of science
  • The book also expansively highlights the need for laboratories to expound on scientific issues since failure to do so will significantly affect the importance of having them in the first place.

Sallis, J. F., &Glanz, K. (2009). Physical activity and food environments: solutions to the obesity epidemic. The Milbank Quarterly87(1), 123-154.

  • The study thoroughly explains the role of environmental, policy, and societal changes in the rapid rise of obesity in the country.
  • There has been substantial progress in identifying these factors to understand the country’s growing number of diabetes cases.
  • Findings from the study are vital because they can help improve the way people feed based on the types of physical activities they undertake to control and reduce obesity.
  • Through conference representations, websites, and media coverage, the study topic is lengthily analyzed and discussed to help develop innovative interventions and policy changes in the fight against the growing diabetes cases in the country.
  • The study findings highlight the differences between persons in areas with walkable neighborhoods compared to those who lack.
  • The study conclusion focuses on environmental, policy, and multilevel strategies and their role in improving diet and physical activity to minimize the cases of diabetes in the country.

Sallis, James F, and Karen Glanz. “Physical activity and food environments: solutions to the obesity epidemic.” The Milbank quarterly vol. 87,1 (2009): 123-54. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0009.2009.00550.x


  • Food Risks health and survey determined how clients are able to determined how there food is made and what impact have made them in their health.
  • Industry business are not taken the obesity serious especially within young adult and younger generations
  • Improving studies how to improve physical activity and reduce obesity within the food
  • Environment policy has different regulations and FDA approval in order to have certain food to eat in the market.




Berger, P. L., Berger, P. L., &Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge.

D’Amour, S., & Harris, L. R. (2019). The representation of body size: variations with viewpoint and sex. Frontiers in psychology10, 2805.

Latour, B. (2014). Give me a laboratory, and I will raise the world (pp. 141-70). Paris.

Sallis, James F, and Karen Glanz. “Physical activity and food environments: solutions to the obesity epidemic.” The Milbank quarterly vol. 87,1 (2009): 123-54. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0009.2009.00550.x

Ward, Paul, John Coveney, and Julie Henderson. “A sociology of food and eating: Why now?.” (2010): 347-351.


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